Health & Nutrition

Nutrtion activities

Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) awareness

The project focus on deliver the key social and behavior change (SBC) messages aim to change both infant and young child feeding (IYCF) behaviors as well as gender-related behaviors. Messages will cover the importance of diversifying diets, nutrition during pregnancy, early and exclusive breastfeeding, the appropriate quantity and quality of complementary foods, and educate women in infant and young child feeding practices.

Mosquito nets distribution

240 were mosquito nets distributed targeted the pregnant and lactating women in Gofl Shamer district. The beneficiaries was Identified according to the health facility lists. This mainly mothers of young infants and pregnant women. One mosquito net per mother. The activity also jointly with 56 vector sensitization sessions targeted 974 household in Gofl Shammer district (6,529 individual).