
Protection Intervention

Promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls at the central of Efadah programmes in Yemenm, applying a meaningful gender analysis, including the collection and use of sex- and age-disaggregated data. Providing assistance that contributing to gender equality by effectively identifying and responding to the needs, priorities and capacities of women, girls, boys and men in all their diversities; and ensure gender are integrated throughout the project cycle. During implementation phase, Efadah ensure full coordination, engagement, partnerships with, and leadership of local women’s organizations, specialized agencies, NGOs and other actors working on gender equality.

GBV Prevention Project

Through funding from private institution, Efadah implemented 2 projects focused on GBV prevention and response in Lahj and Aden governorates, aiming at helping to protect the most vulnerable group at risk, in particular women, girls, marginalized groups and person with disability. Efadah implemented the following activities:

CBPNs Training

Efadah has identified and build the capacity of 15 members of Community-based Protection Networks in the project areas and involved them in GBV prevention activities at the camps and settlements level.

GBV Awareness

130 community awareness sessions and campaigns conducted focused on GBV prevention, positive involvement and engagement with women, men, girls and boys to enhance their role as key actors in GBv prevention, awareness raising and behavioral change.

The activity reached 946 households

Women's empowerment and rights

Under this activity, Efadah supported 45 women and girls through improved access to self-reliance, economic inclusion and provision of sustainable livelihoods assistance. Efadah support the provision of vocational and business-skills training for the groups at risk and offer 20 small micro-grants to start up business and encouraging women's new entrepreneurs to grow.