WASH Project

Key WASH Achievements

Water Storage

Efadah has Identified one water sources, conducted joint assessment with water authorities in the district, and installed water storage tanks and cpnnected to the main water source in the areas. The tank capacity is 25 m3. Total household benefit from tank 2,350 HHs )16,175 individuals.

Training Water Managment Committess

Jointly with water authorities and communities, Efadah was selected 18 members (14 male, 4 female) as Water Management Committee under the supervision of water authorities. Efadah organised 5 days training for the Water committee in collaboration with the LWSC or GARWP, the training topics covered water management, maintenance & operation of systems.

Hygiene kits distribution

1,500 hygiene kits were distributed, targeted a total 1,500 vulnerable households in Gufl Shamer district. The project funded by OCHA and implemented by Efadah in partnerhip with NRC. The distribution in line with Hygiene awareness session and the important of hygiene materials to prevent diseases.

Hygiene Awarenss Sessions

Through this activity, Efadah carred out 370 community engagement and hygiene awareness sessions were conducted in the targeted areas in Gofl Shammer, in order to raise community knowledge and information to take action to reduce the risk related to hygiene. Promoting safe hygiene behaviour, mobilize water safety and key hygiene messages to prevent and control outbreak Total household reached 1,966 HHs (13,766 individuals).

CHVs training

A total 10 community health volunteers (6 female and 4 males) were selected by community led process and consultation. The selected CHVs was attended 2 days training on PHAST approach and community action plan were developed to engage and knowledge sharing with the aff3ected community to mitigated and diseases prevention.

Solid waste management

The solid waste management aimed to reduce risk of communicable diseases through improvement of solid waste management in the city of Goful Shamer district and contributing to limit the negative effects of the environmental pressure that goes to tamper the insecurity from a health and sanitation point of view. Efadah with local authority conducted an assessment before waste collection campaigns. Efadah carried a rapid solid waste collections to removal the accumulative waste in the streets and entire the Goful Shamer city, supported the extraordinary rapid waste collection for 15 days, day-to-day operations of local authorities. At the end of the task, a total 168 ton of solid waste has removed and managed. Total reached beneficiaries 1,980 household (13,266 Individuals).

WASH Activity Photos